Kristus Pasaulei

Official page


Bībeles skola

Conferences and seminars
Monday, 23. in october 2023 Rīga

Lieldienu dievkalpojums

Conferences and seminars
Sunday, 9. in april 2023 Rīga

Bībeles skola 26.02.-28.05.

Conferences and seminars
Sunday, 5. in march 2023 Rīga

15 gadu jubileja

Conferences and seminars
Saturday, 18. february 2023 Rīga

Sagaidīsim jauno 2023. gadu kopā!

Conferences and seminars
Saturday, 31. in december 2022 Rīga

Ziemassvētku dievkalpojums un koncerts

Conferences and seminars
Sunday, 25. in december 2022 Rīga

Aizlūgšanu dievkalpojumi 2022

Conferences and seminars
Saturday, 1. in october 2022 Rīga

Kā nopelnīt miljonu

Conferences and seminars
Sunday, 4. in september 2022 Rīga

Vasarsvētku dievkalpojums

Conferences and seminars
Sunday, 5. in june 2022 Rīga