
Homepage http://www.myspace.com/zimbabw
Fans 289
Genres Instrumental / Classical Indian / Free/Avant Jazz

Zimbabw - Zimbabw (by Krists Auznieks) Live @ Essential. 2009.

Vocals - Līva Kalniņa
Piano - Krists Auznieks
Bass - Jānis Rubiks
Drums - Ivars Arutjunjans

Lyrics (Līva Kalniņa & Krists Auznieks):

See the light
Through the night
Close your door before I get inside

Let there be
Sadly beat
When my breath knocks on your window sheen

You will know
All night flow
That You're not alone

Take home tales of sun
Spread them further
Deep in joyful soul of joint
Then rejoice the renewal of spiritual race
Slowly like wind ease down pace
Fill the space

previous2. from 2

Zimbabw @ Essential 2009.

Inserted: Zimbabw Aug 29 2010 16:04

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