Klubs "Māja" - jaunatne vienotai Eiropai

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“4/5 What a wonderful group of people 😃 80+ participants at the @Europarl_EN Youth Networking Event to discuss what the EP should do for youth #youthEP...
RT @EP_EYE2018: 4/5 What a wonderful group of people 😃 80+ participants at the @Europarl_EN Youth Networking Event to discuss what the EP should do for youth #youthEP with => @A_Spin @johanna_hallb @kpavlinic0 @FMRIG @jadb073 @ofaj_dfjw @LydiaDionis @gregorlitvjakov @gwenbirza

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Inserted: Klubs "Māja" - jaunatne vienotai Eiropai Mar 12 2019 19:10

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