"I want to Live and Breathe cinema"
- Giovanni Ribisi
He who laughs at himself never runs out of things to laugh at....
- daydreamer
- RSU KF - SSAV, RSU ESF - SA, RFL, theater, life Personally I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught. - Sir Winston Churchill
- "My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there." - Charles F. Kettering "If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas." - George Bernard Shaw
- There's a big f*cking world out there. It's messy, and it's chaotic, and it's never, never ever the thing you'd expect. It is ok to be scared, but you cannot allow your fears to turn you into an asshole, not when it comes to the people that love you, the people that need you. The trick in life isn't getting what you want, my dear, it's wanting it after you get it.
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- Skuvu un skuvu, brīnums, ka smagā darbā nepaguru. Bet iznākums ir tā vērts. Mans kaktuss nu ir tik gluds kā zīda lakats. Mans rezultāts: 00:06
- Tikko viesojos šefpavāra Jāņa Kaira virtuvē, kur pagatavojām recepti –"Vistas un gaileņu Quiche lorraune ar smiltsērkšķu mērci". Ja veiksme uzsmaidīs, došos pie viņa vakariņās kopā ar draugiem!
Gatavo kopā ar Jāni Kairi
Piedalies Dansukker interaktīvo recepšu konkursā un laimē vakariņas sev un draugiem.
- Nupat kopā ar šefpavāru Raimondu Zommeru pagatavoju lielisku ēdienu - "Svaiga zandarta fileja ar smitsērkšķu marinādi" un turu īkšķus, lai drīzumā kopā ar Alīna Meležika,Faina Naumova,Zita Borisova dotos šikās vakariņās!
Gatavo kopā ar Raimondu Zommeru
Piedalies Dansukker interaktīvo recepšu konkursā un laimē vakariņas sev un draugiem.
"Lielais Kristaps" ir nacionālā kino balva, ko pasniedz labākajām Latvijā tapušajām filmām. "Delfi" publikas balsojumā tiek noskaidrota skatītāju simp...