Jauna, ambicinga vilniečių grupė „Graveyard“ susikūrė 2005 metų rudenį. Savo kūryboje nevengia hardrock, heavy metalo ir bliuzo elementų, tačiau patys muzikantai neslepia, jog lieka ištikimi savitam Stoner rock stiliui.
Savo didesnius koncertus grupė pradėjo pasirodymu renginyje „Naujas Kraujas 2006“.Jau konkurse „Eurorock“ grupė tapo laureatais ir įgijo teisę dalyvauti Baltic New Music Chart Show. Nufilmuotas klipas kūriniui „House of pain“ sėkmingai sukosi Lietuvos, Latvijos ir Estijos radijo stotyse, bei Televizijos eteryje.
2006 metų vasarą „Graveyard“ buvo pakviesti dalyvauti tarptautiniame Latvijos festivalyje „Baltic summer reaction“. Vėliau sekė pasirodymas Roko Naktyse, kur daugelio nuomone buvo įvertinti, kaip šio renginio atradimas. Na o sėkmingus 2006-uosius „Graveyard“ užbaigė dalyvavimu renginyje „Velnių Malūnas 2006“.
The band GRAVEYARD was organized in the year of 2005 by the five young congenial musicians who had experience in other various rock bands of Vilnius city. Later due to the disagreements the rhythm guitarist Artas has left the band. GRAVEYARD does not cop out hard rock, blues and heavy metal elements in their oeuvre, but after all performers don’t hide that they still are loyal to the stile of stoner rock.
The group GRAVEYARD does not feel shortage of ideas, and is free in various musical experiments.
In the competition of ,,Brodvejus Star’’ the GRAVEYARD became a finalists. They also took a part in the latest the 10th festival of alternative music ,,Naujas Kraujas’’ ( new blood ) where audience together with vocalist Donatas Gailiušis were singing ,,House of Pain’’ in the hot-blooded style…
In June the band was invited to show a performance in international rock festival called "Baltic Summer Reaction" in Daugavpils, after this event they won second place in the competition of joung talents "Ish Lempos" recently the band have played at the biggest rock festival in lithuania "ROCK NIGHTS 2006"
And finally this year in the,,Eurorock 2006’’ competition GRAVEYARD became a finalists and gained a right to participate in the shooting which is organized by the Latvian television program ,,Baltic New Music Chart’’ in Riga.
GRAVEYARD - it is strong fast and together melodic stonerer rock from Vilnius
Jauna, ambicinga vilniečių grupė „Graveyard“ susikūrė 2005 metų rudenį. Savo kūryboje nevengia hardrock, heavy metalo ir bliuzo elementų, tačiau patys muzikantai neslepia, jog lieka ištikimi savitam Stoner rock stiliui.
Savo didesnius koncertus grupė pradėjo pasirodymu renginyje „Naujas Kraujas 2006“.Jau konkurse „Eurorock“ grupė tapo laureatais ir įgijo teisę dalyvauti Baltic New Music Chart Show. Nufilmuotas klipas kūriniui „House of pain“ sėkmingai sukosi Lietuvos, Latvijos ir Estijos radijo stotyse, bei Televizijos eteryje.
2006 metų vasarą „Graveyard“ buvo pakviesti dalyvauti tarptautiniame Latvijos festivalyje „Baltic summer reaction“. Vėliau sekė pasirodymas Roko Naktyse, kur daugelio nuomone buvo įvertinti, kaip šio renginio atradimas. Na o sėkmingus 2006-uosius „Graveyard“ užbaigė dalyvavimu renginyje „Velnių Malūnas 2006“.
The band GRAVEYARD was organized in the year of 2005 by the five young congenial musicians who had experience in other various rock bands of Vilnius city. Later due to the disagreements the rhythm guitarist Artas has left the band. GRAVEYARD does not cop out hard rock, blues and heavy metal elements in their oeuvre, but after all performers don’t hide that they still are loyal to the stile of stoner rock.
The group GRAVEYARD does not feel shortage of ideas, and is free in various musical experiments.
In the competition of ,,Brodvejus Star’’ the GRAVEYARD became a finalists. They also took a part in the latest the 10th festival of alternative music ,,Naujas Kraujas’’ ( new blood ) where audience together with vocalist Donatas Gailiušis were singing ,,House of Pain’’ in the hot-blooded style…
In June the band was invited to show a performance in international rock festival called "Baltic Summer Reaction" in Daugavpils, after this event they won second place in the competition of joung talents "Ish Lempos" recently the band have played at the biggest rock festival in lithuania "ROCK NIGHTS 2006"
And finally this year in the,,Eurorock 2006’’ competition GRAVEYARD became a finalists and gained a right to participate in the shooting which is organized by the Latvian television program ,,Baltic New Music Chart’’ in Riga.
GRAVEYARD - it is strong fast and together melodic stonerer rock from Vilnius