Evija Sloka

Fans 3931
Genres Acoustic Rock / Pop / Traditional Country

🇺🇸 Of course! A little #throwback on a #throwbackthursday from #omesbriljants

A little summary video coming up soon too!

🇱🇻 Mazs #atpakaļmetiens no #omesbriljants

Īss kopsavilkuma video arī būs drīz!

#throwback #mesinging #mesingingonstage #stage #meandmicrophone #sing #singing #singer #alittlesinging #letssing #singerslife #musician #music #truthinmyeyes #singalittlemore #guesswhatimsinging #openair #openairstage #summerstage #evijasloka #evijarea #evijareaonstage #evijaslokaonstage

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🇺🇸 Of course! A little #throwback

Inserted: Evija Sloka Sep 24 2018 15:05

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