
D.I.K.V.A.Š. started their musical doings as early as 2005. Mantas Klimas and Snowlius are two most constant players of the band. The first long time drummer of the band was Vytas. Second long time drummer, known as Wendigo (currently playing with COMEDIA D'EL ARTE and MANO JUODOJI SESUO) quit the band in 2007. Soon Mantas found a session drummer for the band's latest concert - pro memoria Viktor Tsoy (leader of the famous russian rock band KINO) @ Dzempub, Kaunas. Currently the band also has a second guitarist Mudzhis. D.I.K.V.A.Š. had been searching for a new drummer recently and fortunately we've managed to find one. Valerijus joined us for the concerts "Birstono Muzikine fiesta 08" and "Alternative Voice". Since 2009 our new drummer is Daiva Pociūtė.



vokas, el. gitara


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